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Hasta el 23 de mayo de 2012./ Deadline 23rd May 2012
"Ayudas para Formación de Personal Investigador 2012” (FPI–UAM)
PhD positions funded by UAM.

Del 10 de mayo al 8 de junio de 2012./ From May 10th to June 8th.
Becas y Contratos de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU). BOE Solicitud
Grants/Contracts for PhD positions: Information and Application web site.

January 2012: FPI grant available:
Our project has a FPI grant available to carry out a PhD thesis. Candidates intersested in studying ion-atom or ion-molecule collisions, from the theoretical point of view, are encouraged to contact us for details. This work can be oriented towards one or several of the following fields: Fusion research, new cancer therapies or astrophysics.

Deadline for this application is 23 February at 15:00. link. Our project is ENE2011-28200: "ESTUDIO TEORICO Y COMPUTACIONAL DE PROCESOS ATOMICOS Y MOLECULARES EN PLASMAS"

There are a number of organizations that offer funding to undertake a PhD work. Please, contact us to consider possibilities.

Enquires from potential fellowship holders are always welcome.

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